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Application for assessment foreign qualifications
Information Recognition Application System (AAIS)
Educational Background
Higher Education Qualification
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Longer processing times
Due to the high number of applications, longer processing times must be expected for the following regions:
We are working hard to reduce the backlog and ask for your understanding in the meantime.
Target for application:
Assessment of Higher Education qualifications for professional purposes
Evaluation of foreign diplomas (incoming mobility): recommendations on the value of higher education diplomas obtained outside Austria, especially for further use at the Austrian labour market. Where possible, the foreign diploma is compared to an Austrian diploma. As well as evaluating the diploma, we are also able to determine whether a higher education institution is officially recognized.
With entry into force of the Recognition and Assessment Act, Federal Law Gazette I No. 55/2016, ENIC NARIC AUSTRIA only assesses foreign higher education qualifications for professional purposes (ie for persons with access to the Austrian labour market or the intention to work in Austria). Find out more
Assessment applications are processed either by way of a quick assessment or an assessment:
quick assessment
is a facilitated assessment in accordance with § 6 para. 2 of the Recognition and Assessment Act, Federal Law Gazette I No. 55/2016. It provides an evaluation of the assessed foreign higher education qualification at a glance and is free of charge.
Beyond the information provided in the quick assessment, the
includes additional information needed for the evaluation of certain foreign higher education qualifications.
The decision whether to process the application by way of a quick assessment or assessment is up to of ENIC NARIC AUSTRIA. There is no choice for applicants. For more information on application and fees see
The possibility to apply for an assessment requires the confirmation of the legal stay / settlement in Austria or an EU-member state by proof of an Austrian residence “Meldebestätigung” ie print-out from the Central Residence Register (ZMR) of the municipality or an equivalent from an EU-memberstate. Otherwise the application is rejected.
The assessment of foreign Higher Education qualifications does not comprise information on the use of foreign academic degrees in Austria. The use of foreign academic degrees is laid down by § 88 in conjunction with § 116 of Universities Act 2002 – UG, Federal Law Gazette I No. 120/2002.
Due to the obligation to collect statistical data by the Bildungsdokumentationsgesetz 2020 – BilDokG 2020, Federal Law Gazette I No. 55/2016 an application requests the Austrian Social Security Number (“Sozialversicherungsnummer”) respectively the “Ersatzkennzeichen” (as substitute for the Austrian Social Security Number) or the statement “I do not hold an Austrian Social Security Number (“Sozialversicherungsnummer”).”
The original of the Diploma (Degree Certificate) has to be legalized by the competent State Authorities. If the pre-check of the documents shows incomplete legalization documentation, the application is sent back to be completed. Find further details here. The original of the Diploma (Degree Certification) has to be legalized by the competent State Authorities. If the pre-evaluation of the documents assume incomplete legalization documentation, the application is sent back to be amended. Find further details
Applications are processed in chronological order depending on incoming payments. The average processing time period up to 8 weeks.
In order to apply for enrolment at an Austrian higher education institution, please contact directly one of these institutions:
Universities of applied Sciences
Private Universities in Austria
University colleges of teacher education
The confirmation in terms of Residence Law only serves for the purpose referring in § 9 subpara. 4 lit 3 des Federal Integration Act – IntG, Federal Law Gazette I No. 68/2017, as amended what means that Modul 1 of the Integration Agreement is fulfilled. It is exclusively provided for submission to the competent Residency Authority and therefor doesn´t make a statement on the language skills niveau at all.
The original of the Diploma (Degree Certification) has to be legalized by the competent State Authorities. If the pre-evaluation of the documents assume incomplete legalization documentation, the application is sent back to be amended. Find further details
We neither assess secondary school leaving certificates nor diplomas given by all types of schools (non higher/tertiary/postsecondary education). If you need your school qualifications assessed for employment, study, or to migrate to Austria, please apply for it to the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education on
Admission to higher education institutions / Enrollment to Austrian universities and universities of applied sciences
* Sex:
Diverse, open, inter, no gender
Select the applicant's gender.
* Given name(s):
Enter the given name(s) of the applicant.
* Surname:
Enter the surname of the applicant.
Enter the name of the applicant's organization.
Enter the name of the country (address information we should use for written communication concerning this application).
* State:
Select the state in which you reside in Austria.
Post/Zip Code:
Enter the Post/ZIP Code (the series of letters and/or digits in the address which specify the geographical area, individual address, or institution). (It is part of the address information we should use for written communication concerning this application).
Post/Zip Code:
Enter the Post/ZIP Code (the series of letters and/or digits in the address which specify the geographical area, individual address, or institution). (It is part of the address information we should use for written communication concerning this application).
Enter the name of the city (address information we should use for written communication concerning this application). If there is no match in the list, please select the entry "City not in list" (this is always the last entry) and enter the name manually.
Community Identification Number:
Comunity Identification Number of your confirmation of residence (German: Gemeindekennzahl (GKZ)). Situated beside field "Ortsgemeinde" on your confirmation of residence (e.g. GKZ 40101).
Please enter only the number (no prefix GKZ required).
Community Identification Number:
Comunity Identification Number of your confirmation of residence (German: Gemeindekennzahl (GKZ)). Situated beside field "Ortsgemeinde" on your confirmation of residence (e.g. GKZ 40101).
Please enter only the number (no prefix GKZ required).
Enter the street name (address information we should use for written communication concerning this application).
House/ Staircase/ Door:
Enter the house- /staircase- / doornumber. If not existing, please enter "0".
* Date of birth:
Choose the applicant's date of birth.
Country of birth:
Choose the applicant's country of birth.
Place of birth:
Choose the applicant's place of birth.
Place of birth:
* Citizenship:
Choose the citizenship of the applicant.
* Seeking for professions:
The professions the applicant is seeking for.
You can choose up to three professions here.
To the information system
* Personal identifier:
Austrian Social Security Number (“Sozialversicherungsnummer”)
You can find your social security number on your e-card. It consists of a four-digit number followed by a six-digit birthdate (e.g. 1234010180). In some cases the birthdate may differ.
Should you not have a social security number, please enter your ‘Ersatzkennzeichen’ (substitute for social insurance number). It can be found for, example, on your Studienblatt (record of studies) after the birthdate.
E.g. EKZ: „ABCD311289“
“Ersatzkennzeichen” (as substitute for the Austrian Social Security Number)
"I do not hold an Austrian Social Security Number (“Sozialversicherungsnummer”)"
* email address:
Enter a valid email address. You will receive your login data and further information via this address.
* Telephone:
Enter the telephone number, including the area code, of a person we can contact for further information.
* Repeat date of birth:
Choose the applicant's date of birth.
* Declaration:
I agree that my personal data is used according to
dataprotection statement
of BMBWF - ENIC NARIC AUSTRIAs for assessment purpose only. My personal data may only be used and transmitted for that purpose. I note the absence of legal claim to the assessment of my qualifications.
Information concerning fees within the meaning of § 4, Section 2, Subparagraph 4 of the Austrian Recognition and Evaluation Act – AuBG, BGBI.I No.55/2016.
Please note that you are required to pay a fee of €150.00 for the assessment of higher education qualifications for professional purposes. For more than two qualifications the fee is €200.00.
The payment can only be made via credit card (VISA, MasterCard, Discover, Diners Club) in the course of the electronic application procedure.